Caring For Baby Teeth
The majority of adults don’t even like making the trip in for a regular checkup and children are usually more resistant. Most parents try to put off the inevitable for as long as possible, but it’s important to start your children off right with proper oral hygiene and regular appointments to monitor healthy tooth growth.
Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth or deciduous teeth, become visible during infancy. It’s important to take excellent care of these teeth; regular dental visits can greatly reduce the risk of oral complications in children under five years old. In general, experts recommend that parents have a dentist examine their child six months after the first tooth comes in. Most children have a full set of 20 primary teeth by the time they turn three years old.
Teething is a painful process that causes distress for most young children, and bad behaviors can manifest early on. Because teething leaves gum tender and sore, many young children will be cranky during this process. But dentists can provide insight on how best to alleviate this pain. Since infants can’t clean their own teeth, parents can get helpful tips on how to properly clean baby teeth to give them the best start in oral health. This can mean taking preventative measures to avoid common risk factors for gum disease or cavities.
Encouraging good oral health habits in young children is vital. Thumb sucking is a hard habit to curb but it must be discouraged to prevent long-lasting damage from affecting your child’s teeth. Your family dentist can recommend specific methods to help your child learn healthier habits. They will also be able to check for early signs of weak teeth, decay, and other problems.
If you are concerned about your child’s oral health development, or have questions regarding the best way to clean and monitor new teeth as they come in, call you family dentist today. Even if it’s not yet time for an actual appointment, don’t hesitate to get an opinion about problems that your child might be susceptible to.